Posts tagged Fitness
Gary’s Weight Loss Journey

Gary’s wieght loss journey has been inspirational. Triggered by a desire to paticipate in a supercar track day experience Gary went above and beyond in tackling his weight.

After I asked that he write something so that I could shre with you all he also took the time and effort to create a fantastic article including pics, tips, stats…. you name it.

I’m sure you’ll enjoy as much as I did, and can take away the important pieces of information to help you on your journey.

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Claire's Weightloss Journey

There is no doubt that at present, many of the illnesses that befall us are down to poor diet, lifestyle and the rising cases of obesity.

However, often a major scare comes along which soon brings about positive changes; perhaps it’s the Doctor informing of a Diabetes diagnosis, or that sudden drop in energy was a miniature heart attack which has left permanent arterial scarring, or the damaged joints and tissues that have had to cope under the excess weight for a number of years.

Thankfully for Claire the incentive for change came from the disappointing thought that if she didn’t improve, she would not be able to take her Black Belt grading.

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