Posts tagged Self-Actualisation
Gary’s Weight Loss Journey

Gary’s wieght loss journey has been inspirational. Triggered by a desire to paticipate in a supercar track day experience Gary went above and beyond in tackling his weight.

After I asked that he write something so that I could shre with you all he also took the time and effort to create a fantastic article including pics, tips, stats…. you name it.

I’m sure you’ll enjoy as much as I did, and can take away the important pieces of information to help you on your journey.

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Karate Ain't Your Crutch

Angry - Do more Karate. Frustrated - punch a Makiwara. Sad - another 5 Kata ought to do it. Family relationships breaking down - at least I have Karate.

Sounds familiar?

For some Karate is the default to life’s curve balls.

Stepping into the Dojo is like passing through a portal where one’s troubles vanish and for those 2 hours there is nothing else in the world except to train.

Well, is anything actually getting done about the issues that require disconnection from?

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Self-Actualisation: Karate's Obvious Secret

For many, stepping into the Dojo and donning the white and black is the continuation of that elusive search for ‘perfection of character’, better technique, attainable skill and the mental calm that proceeds the enduring trial for the session.

From the first Kata to the many learnt thereafter Karate contains no secrets, only things not yet understood, left open to the imagination of the practitioner.

On the surface of the Karate training, to those not ready to receive the fullness of what Karate teaches, the physical and mental improvement is the goal. Beyond that, however, lies the greatest lesson for all who would strive on.

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