Posts tagged dojo
How I Came to Okinawa

There I was, living in Edinburgh under the grey wintering skies, and whilst nestled at my mum’s in the beautiful Aberdeenshire countryside, a place I had known well all my life and was frequently awed by the scenic beauty; it was Christmas and I was still mulling over a big decision.

A month previously an Email had zipped through from Jesse of giving details about a “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity

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A Very Okinawan Dojo Experience

I spent over 20 years practicing Shotokan at various Dojo across the UK and Australia, and many were similar in their breakdown of practice. Line-up, bow, warm-up, Kihon, Kumite, Kata, warm-down/stretching or simply sit, meditate and bow to finish.

Having experienced a few different Dojos I'd like to give you my experience of practice in an Okinawan Dojo.

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